ADVANCE 展翅課程說明

ADVANCE has been dedicated to Gateway Seminary’s mission to equip leaders who expand God’s kingdom around the world for more than 40 years. ADVANCE centers are located across North America and internationally, providing ministry-focused education at a post-high school level in order to train effective Christian leaders for the benefit of local churches.

Depending on location, Gateway ADVANCE centers have offered classes in a variety of languages, including: English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Burmese, Hmong, Karen, Mongolian, Nepalese, Thai, Lao, Vietnamese, Swahili, Russian, and Arabic, among many others.

ADVANCE offers three levels of education: 12-hr certificates, 24-hr diplomas, or 48-hr leadership diplomas.  Click below to learn more.

40 多年來,ADVANCE 一直致力是 Gateway 神學院 的使命,就是裝備在世界各地擴展上帝國度的領袖。 ADVANCE 中心遍布北美和國際,提供高中學歷以上以事工為核心的基督教教育,從而培訓有效的基督教領袖,造福地方教會。

根據地點不同,Gateway ADVANCE 中心提供多種語言的課程,包括:英語、西班牙語、韓語、普通話、粵語、緬甸語、苗族語、克倫語、蒙古語、尼泊爾語、泰語、老撾語、越南語、斯瓦希里語、俄語和阿拉伯語 ,等等。 ADVANCE 提供三個級別的教育:12 小時證書、24 小時文憑或 48 小時領導文憑。


The ADVANCE program of Gateway Seminary was established in 1980 at the request of Dr. Oscar Romero, vice president of the Language Missions Division of the North American Mission Board (formerly Home Mission Board) of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Romero and Dr. William Pinson (GGBTS president), along with other partners, created the Ethnic Leadership Development program (ELD). In 1998, the program was renamed Contextualized Leadership Development (CLD) and in 2003 became the sole responsibility of Gateway Seminary (formerly GGBTS). The most recent development came in 2017 when the program was renamed ADVANCE and was updated to focus on the three core principles for ministry leader training: accessible, contextual, and expansive.

Directors of the ADVANCE (ELD/CLD) program have included: Dr. Joshua Grijalva, Dr. Donald Sewell, Dr. Dwight A. Honeycutt, Dr. Delbert Fann, Dr. Jaime Prieto, Dr. Jeffrey Curtis, Don Beall, and Dr. Warren Haynes (2016-present). Dr. Haynes’ passion is to inspire people to expand their leadership capacity, make disciples, and sharpen their communication skills.

Gateway 神學院的 ADVANCE 課程是應美南浸信會北美宣教部(原Home Mission Board)語言宣教部副主席Oscar Romero博士的要求,於1980年設立的。 Romero 博士和 William Pinson 博士(GGBTS 總裁)與其他合作夥伴一起創建了Ethnic Leadership Development program (ELD)。 1998 年,該計劃更名為  Contextualized Leadership Development (CLD),並於 2003 年成為 Gateway神學院(前身為 GGBTS)的特別負責課程。 最近的發展是在 2017 年,該計劃更名為 ADVANCE,並進行了更新以專注於平信徒領導培訓的三個核心原則: 接觸性、情境性和擴展性。ADVANCE (ELD/CLD) 課程的負責人包括:Joshua Grijalva 博士、Donald Sewell 博士、Dwight A. Honeycutt 博士、Delbert Fann 博士、Jaime Prieto 博士、Jeffrey Curtis 博士、Don Beall 博士和 Warren Haynes博士(2016 年至今)。 Haynes博士熱衷於激勵平信徒擴展領導能力、門徒訓練並提高溝通技巧。


Gateway Seminary’s ADVANCE centers provide accessible ministry training at a post-high school level. Since 1980, dozens of ADVANCE centers have offered affordable, quality education to ministry leaders across the United States and around the globe.

ADVANCE centers are established under a cooperative agreement between Gateway Seminary and a local church, association, state convention or organization.

Gateway 神學院的 ADVANCE 培訓中心提供高中學歷以上的無障礙事工培訓。 自 1980 年以來,數十家 ADVANCE 培訓中心為美國和全球各地的平信徒領袖提供了平價而優質的神學訓練。

ADVANCE 培訓中心是根據 Gateway 神學院與各地教會、 聯會、州浸信聯會或各組織之間的合作協議而建立的。


Truth Baptist Chinese School of Leadership is a Chinese language Advance Center that operates collaboratively under Truth Theological Seminary and Gateway Seminary. Truth Baptist Chinese School of Leadership sponsors and teaches all ADVANCE Center programs and curriculums in the Chinese language including Mandarin and Cantonese.

Truth Baptist Chinese School of Leadership aims and focuses to provide high-quality biblical and theological education to Chinese-speaking layman leaders with professional theologians, scholars, and pastors. The partnership between the two seminaries set the standards and uplifted Chinese Christian education to a new level.

Truth Baptist Chinese School of Leadership has a unique mission and vision to walk gracefully in our Lord Jesus Christ’s great commission specifically to serve the global Chinese Churches which are in great demand of faithful and humble layman leaders. 

真道浸神中文領袖學院是一所以中文教授的 ADVANCE 培訓中心,隸屬於真道浸信會神學院和Gateway神學院的合作框架上 。真道浸神中文領袖學院以中文(包括普通話和廣東話)代理教授所有 ADVANCE 課程和科目。

真道浸神中文領袖學院旨在專注與專業的神學家、學者和牧師一起為說華語的平信徒領袖提供高質素的聖經和神學教育。 兩所神學院的合作樹立了標準,將中文基督教教育提升到一個新的水平。

真道浸神會中文領袖學院有一個獨特的使命和目光, 滿有恩典地穩行於我們主耶穌基督的大使命中,專心為全球華人教會服務,而當今華人教會正喝求需要忠心和謙卑的平信徒領袖。


Gateway Seminary Contact

DR. WARREN HAYNES, Director of ADVANCE, Associate Professor of Leadership Formation  領導培訓幅教授

Truth Baptist Chinese School of Leadership Contact, Mr. Gideon Chan, Director of ADVANCE Center